Andrea Guendelman Interview - feeding the tech talent pipeline
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How do you discover, cultivate, and onboard a new generation of talented workers to serve a profoundly new generation of customers and clients with different expectations and needs and demands? Well, my guest today says that these talented professionals are right here, just waiting to be seen and hired. We're talking today with Andrea Guendelman, the founder and CEO of Speak_, a powerful new initiative designed to feed the tech talent pipeline with a brilliant new "why didn't I think of that?" approach.
You can find Andrea Guendelman at,
Instagram: @AndreaGuendelman
Twitter: @FutureofWomen
LinkedIn: Andrea Guendelman and Speak_ - or - speakcareers
You can find David Avrin at,
David Avrin: and welcome to the customer experience advantage podcast my name is David average really cool show today, you know.
David Avrin: Depending on when you're watching this or listening to this of course we're dealing with big issues with supply chain.
David Avrin: Huge issues with Labor across the board, it I guess it's a really good time to be an employee unless of course you are an underrepresented work.
David Avrin: From from a variety of communities that have that that really make up what oftentimes is a really good diverse workforce.
David Avrin: they're overlooked and well employers and others are clamoring for talents so much of it is right here i'm really excited to have as my guest today Andrew gwendolyn.
David Avrin: Andrea just a quick background andhra she's she's got a law degree from Harvard she's got her master's from MIT but she has used that in the pursuit of helping some of these upper rubber underrepresented populations.
David Avrin: gain employment i'm not going to say much more because i'ma let her introduce herself and talk about it, but I think it's such an important subject today when companies are clamoring for talent, I think the talent is right here, Andrea Thank you so much for being part of the show today.
Andrea Guendelman: Thanks for inviting me.
David Avrin: Alright, so so to give us a background, a little bit about what's what drives you tell me a little bit about your your background, clearly, you have a wonderful accent from from Chile.
David Avrin: Tell us about your journey, how you got here, but what we're really excited to learn about and to share with our audience the the new approach that you have to.
David Avrin: Keep denies this talent that's there cultivate that talent and then leverage that talent to compete better in the marketplace.
Andrea Guendelman: Absolutely well just a little bit of background, as we were talking before the interview, I come from tiller but I was born in the US.
Andrea Guendelman: And then I I, my father was studying and I was recently and I from a minority of Jewish until it was a minority, so I always have.
Andrea Guendelman: Just just put them in the background, and so, when I moved to United States and I went to Harvard law school, as you said, and so I was inserted immediately into a.
Andrea Guendelman: meritocracy of this country right, so I thought that everybody that was marred will go to like an Ivy league school, and that was kind of how it was.
Andrea Guendelman: And then in 2006 I moved to new Mexico with my husband who decided to become a professor and in new Mexico insert myself very much in the Latino Community Mexican immigrants and I start meeting because I put my son in law in an immersive school and I started seeing all these new.
Andrea Guendelman: Basically, that the kids have this image immigrants and starting to go to college and with discussions are where you want to call it.
Andrea Guendelman: And so I need this one girl that is Alec torreon a day at the new Mexico high school best grades.
Andrea Guendelman: she's going to go to engineering at unam University of new Mexico and I asked her parents would you like us to help her get into Stanford we can write her applications we're going to do her personal.
Andrea Guendelman: statement she will get into Stanford she's a Latina engineer and.
Andrea Guendelman: Your dad and they talked internally, they get they got back to me, and they said there's no way she's gonna leave new Mexico, we want him.
Andrea Guendelman: To be close to us and that was like an Aha moment for me of realizing that this amazing talent that you think that is there only in this Ivy league schools and this very prestigious schools and not they're, not because they.
Andrea Guendelman: couldn't be there it's just that they chose not for cultural reasons for many reasons.
Andrea Guendelman: Mine expectations, they stay in their more like traditional state schools in the local communities and they only and so talent.
Andrea Guendelman: really can be found anywhere if you look, but very few people know about this and are willing to look so that was my kind of Aha moment of time.
Andrea Guendelman: And so that brought me when I moved to boulder in 2015 is in 2014 I started out.
Andrea Guendelman: My first my first startup was called the visual latinx, which was a social network like a linkedin for Latinos because my theory was that Latinos were not in linkedin.
Andrea Guendelman: And there were certainly under the radar and no one understood their their battle, and it was two later there was half allocation for.
Andrea Guendelman: That linkedin data actually black and Latinos are less likely to be linkedin much, much less than everybody else.
Andrea Guendelman: find them there, so you have to create our networks to find them and so that believes that the next what was my first approach to you know let's get this discount is higher.
Andrea Guendelman: But at that time 2015 companies were still they were really into a PR so we ended up with a huge event in San Francisco with TIM there and spotify, and all this incredible lucasfilm and pixar all sponsoring but, at the end of the day he would hide so.
David Avrin: So let me ask you that what was that the the intent was to create.
David Avrin: A network initially to help expose them to some of these business networks or was it with an expressed intent of let's create exposure for these underrepresented populations.
David Avrin: for employers who might be looking to expand their workforce, and let me ask you one more question that's probably a more pointed question.
David Avrin: From the employers perspective, where they looking for talent, are they looking to check a box, that the diversity box, because those are two very different things, with very different results.
Andrea Guendelman: I love your questions, and all this to say that the landscape has changed tremendously.
Andrea Guendelman: Sure, oh we're talking in 2015 Western BBC well and the last one, we did was 2018, so I think that there was a there was still that at that time 2018 with diversity was becoming more important, but he was still very much a PR effort and.
Andrea Guendelman: money and effort for companies to reach this demographic as consumers.
Andrea Guendelman: Not necessarily as employees, so when we had a huge garden in San Francisco with all this very successful Latino professionals and.
Andrea Guendelman: It was more are great I can sell them a product, and it was still very important right, but it was not I can hire them.
Andrea Guendelman: Right now, so I think that has changed tremendously we're in 2021 almost 2022 and now the focus is on hiring 100%, I can tell you that I know this for a fact I see that every day I don't have to explain to companies anymore.
Andrea Guendelman: That the show, and we had the standards are nowhere near do they used to think that they will remediate they were like very bottom of the barrel, and that, why would they want them, you know.
David Avrin: sure.
Andrea Guendelman: i'm making a charity case for like well.
David Avrin: Let me, let me ask a question before we go into your your brilliant approach and i'm really excited to talk about this.
David Avrin: talk to me about where the recognition really comes in, is it coming from a place of scarcity that they just need workers and any warm body or have they gotten, to the point.
David Avrin: Where they recognize this wealth of wisdom and unique life experiences, I mean, even if I think it's so.
David Avrin: preposterous that we talk about women as as a minority are underrepresented when they're the majority the population, but when you are.
David Avrin: Not necessarily disregarding, but when you are suffering from a lack of internal perspective coming from from minority communities and women and LGBT Q and Hispanic and black and international.
David Avrin: What of companies losing when they have a lot of white males in leadership in their organizations and within the rank and file there's a lot of perspective they're missing isn't there.
Andrea Guendelman: I know they're missing perspective delete them they're missing from we're looking at the world as well connecting.
Andrea Guendelman: Your employees become basically your ambassadors in the Community in their communities, when you sell your products in the Community where where you interact so they're very, very important.
David Avrin: right but also your brain trust and your think tank.
Andrea Guendelman: You think.
Andrea Guendelman: Time you're like business and so yes 100% I think.
Andrea Guendelman: In terms of companies, you ask you know, do they have they changed have they really realize, and I think there's various layers within companies, as you know, when you do a sale, they say to you sell to a customer right.
Andrea Guendelman: You may be talking you maybe talk to a VP of something we build talent and there may be a talent.
Andrea Guendelman: has one Monday and baby stemming from the car, we need to increase diversity, the competition, we need to get the best talent in the world goal for them, I don't know what they are go look for that that's the VP of talent right.
Andrea Guendelman: Then you maybe start the video talent like tells you, you know now to our recruiters amazing recruiters have different incentives, they want to hire people immediately right.
Andrea Guendelman: So the whole so it's interesting incompetency you I cannot say that this.
Andrea Guendelman: yeah this one bill that comes from the top definitely but some testing some things are a little bit different, and so you have to work with everybody, you have to a gift and talent ASAP that's what they want they're desperate for talent, but to they.
Andrea Guendelman: They know there's a recognition that this is a war for the best talent in the world world go find it where you normally wear your competitors in the funding find every hug and we are kind of.
Andrea Guendelman: Finding like diverse talent from places that you know they weren't going to go looking at is a hack right.
David Avrin: Okay, so talk to me about the barriers so clearly for those who are internal there sometimes barriers and perception.
David Avrin: perception based on accents language barriers things like that, but then, but the barrier actually hitting my own microphone the the barrier starts before it doesn't it.
David Avrin: The hug that you talk about talk to me about the problem that you solve that some of the biggest companies in the world have quickly embraced this unique solution so talk to me about the problem first and then talk to me about your solution.
Andrea Guendelman: So the problem basically we found so when we're talking to customers after I close BBC will and so like how do I believe you know.
Andrea Guendelman: This guy gets get hired what we're here with two different things, a I need more candy it's more my underrepresented time, yes I don't find them where they.
Andrea Guendelman: One thing the second problem was that I have them, I actually know how to recruit them they don't pass my interview.
Andrea Guendelman: So we're like Okay, so now if we know how to find them, we have done this with the networks will be visible and now, if you can train them to pass your interviewer will you hire them and they're like yes.
Andrea Guendelman: So we started with with this amazing companies were great super progressive ready and airbnb and others that were amazing.
Andrea Guendelman: and basically we found out that it would train them.
Andrea Guendelman: To pastor interviews with their information, the company, giving us information about the interview process.
Andrea Guendelman: Not information that is proprietary just information like these, what we asked in the first interview, this is why we're asking the.
Andrea Guendelman: Second interview, these are the values that you know these are our company values and these how we asked about them in the interviews and how we measure them.
Andrea Guendelman: All like a little information about the interview process and with the job description, we were able to create a curriculum based on that job description with tech and soft skills we found the interview to offer ratio improves could improve from 15% up to 80%.
Andrea Guendelman: raise the first time we asked found a network issue, we were talking before many of these candies.
Andrea Guendelman: Because we have created this relationship with a company, where we said, you know they're going to pass or programs and then we're going to give you the ones that pass and i'm gonna we're going to refer them and we have this connection social capitals right.
Andrea Guendelman: What we're seeing is that many candidates were not even there were applying to jobs, but they weren't even receive the first assessment that this in tech jobs, you have to receive our first assessment.
Andrea Guendelman: Is an online assessment called hacker rank is like a very basic the basic you know test with your technical skills.
David Avrin: right but.
Andrea Guendelman: I can do many of them had applied hundred jobs and received zero.
Andrea Guendelman: assessment, even though they have all the qualifications they had a computer science degree, but yes, they had a different name, most of them are first generation immigrants from everywhere i'm talking.
Andrea Guendelman: i'm talking from a Muslim you know names that some of African people don't recognize those names and I don't know this, they probably didn't recognize the school they went to I never heard someone from that school, why would I take a bit.
David Avrin: Okay, so but but pause for a second, because this is the part that's fascinating.
David Avrin: Where was where was the breakdown from your perspective and you've got an inside look at.
David Avrin: how this works, so when a candidate comes in and an organization, through their HR department and they're interviewing them.
David Avrin: Where was the breakdown was it not understanding the questions and answering them appropriately not getting the right documentation and if they're not making it past the first stage of this recruitment funnel.
David Avrin: Where was the breakdown is it on the person the perception of the employer of not recognizing.
David Avrin: A variety of approaches, or is it the candidate.
David Avrin: Who doesn't understand the process, or is it both.
Andrea Guendelman: it's both so what happens is that um so first of all, there was the problem of not even be seen and.
Andrea Guendelman: break it out and there's that's a huge one was let's say that you receive the first the online assessment, the problem was that the candies from underrepresented backgrounds going are going to great schools, but those calls unnecessarily emphasizing the interview process.
Andrea Guendelman: Though it will have professors that are more emphasizing get a master those professors that haven't been in industry, those schools don't have alumni that have been hired those companies of these candidates are interviewing.
Andrea Guendelman: Therefore, the intelligence about the interview process about why do you have to stay, how you prepare for that company is not there.
Andrea Guendelman: In addition, the standards got the computer science degree, but compared to the more privileged can be at their more behind because they may be started calling when there were 17 or 18 instead of starting calling when there were 11 because maybe they didn't have a computer so.
Andrea Guendelman: Just just if you provide an acceleration, which is when we all in four weeks, you accelerate those you know sort of like whatever they're behind and get them to understand how is the interview process, you can increase results dramatic.
David Avrin: So you're not just helping them passed the test to get past that because the devil's advocate would say okay so you're giving them advanced answers or events look at the test, so they can answer it better.
David Avrin: And all you're doing is masking problems and so you're getting past the first stage, you get a short term fix for that, but they still have issues once they're employed.
David Avrin: you're talking about preparing them for not only the interview.
David Avrin: preparing them for the job preparing for that day one.
Andrea Guendelman: We prepare them for the job because we they get to know the company so intimately that by the time they interview they know they're going to be able to feed, most of the technical things I mean it's a computer science brats I mean they have the chops right.
Andrea Guendelman: Sure, most of the technical skills, they will be able to learn in the in the in the job.
Andrea Guendelman: The most important part is the soft skills and the values i'm able to communicate well i'm a team player, can I say when I don't know what something.
Andrea Guendelman: Can I be part of the team in any way so Those are the things that we let would probably like determine your advancement in the company, much more than the technical skills that once you pass the initial hurdle you're basically required if you're in so they.
Andrea Guendelman: And we have an incredible resource, we started this word, three years ago, and all of our candidates have been retained the companies they're more loyal because they receive this kind of a location for free from the price books, by the way our program is free.
Andrea Guendelman: Right 200% free.
Andrea Guendelman: So that means that the employees to make an investment in this pipeline in this new pipeline, so they the gratitude of an employer was considered by an employer that never got that that no they wouldn't have was here before by any one of them is incredible.
David Avrin: What I The other thing I like is that it's not just about I mean We hear a lot sort in the HR world about the importance of onboarding and that first 30 days if somebody's feeling that they're.
David Avrin: prepared and incorporated into the culture of the organization they've got the skills they've got the right internal mentoring, but you're talking about moving much farther upstream.
David Avrin: To onboard before they're on board and one of the things that I that I love is I look at the website and is it speak careers.
David Avrin: For individuals as as Andrew said that the for the candidates is free see organizations that partner with them to create these programs these cohorts for them.
David Avrin: But on the on the website at speak careers, the very first thing your headline is a statement for these candidates and I love this it's the most empowering thing it just says flat out, you are qualified.
David Avrin: Tell me.
David Avrin: What that does.
David Avrin: Is it gives me chills because because first of all i'm i'm the father of five i've three daughters.
David Avrin: And we've tried to raise them from from the beginning to give them sort of this this where with all this fortitude.
David Avrin: That lets them know that they're qualified for as much as anyone else, but you look with some of the other minority communities in your initial conversation about the Hispanic community in new Mexico that.
David Avrin: it's not even necessary part of the culture of course are so driven by family and others as well and I love that assertion, you are qualified tell me where that came from.
Andrea Guendelman: You are qualified means that basically that comes from this our perception in this Community, because they have been you know denied opportunities, because they don't even get darlin assessment, because they you know.
Andrea Guendelman: That they're not qualify that they have and there's a lot of imposter syndrome, maybe the first, the first thing.
Andrea Guendelman: As you you're saying your first enrich their first generation college students and there, you know that and they're like.
Andrea Guendelman: This is it that a lot of like lack of confidence because they haven't been given so many opportunities and we're saying no, you are qualified companies want you, you just look we're just going to teach you to speak the language of the company and to accompany we're telling them.
Andrea Guendelman: tell us how to speak your language, give us information so that we can tell the standards for you speak your language is basically.
Andrea Guendelman: Ending the information, a cemetery This is all for some people from more privileged backgrounds, this information is intuitive to them they're born with them, because the.
Andrea Guendelman: networks of people that know about it and they not like it's like your parents telling you how to invest, you know some fans have that information those chops and they will pass it on to their children is how you invest in this.
Andrea Guendelman: stuff so that that's the same thing is just the information is they, for some some time I, like you and me, can be so obvious and for it was not always at all.
David Avrin: shorter, but for the organizations their challenge has been certainly finding people finding qualified, then when they find them.
David Avrin: there's something that derails the process so you're not only helping the people be prepared for employment you're screening them but you're also recruiting you're filling that pipeline.
David Avrin: And so, for the organizations that partner with you.
David Avrin: There and Admittedly, there may be people within the organization, who know that we need to increase these numbers from a PR perspective, we need to check the box, but when they get these candidates vetted recruited prepared.
David Avrin: indoctrinated and I use that, in the best of terms in terms of understanding the culture and they're on boarded.
David Avrin: tell me what you're hearing what's the most unexpected benefit of that process from the organization's perspective.
Andrea Guendelman: Well, first of all she's wearing a customer.
Andrea Guendelman: Experience type podcast and one of the things that really we help companies before we help them really with time, because this.
Andrea Guendelman: There was a lot of time there's a lot of time saved that they had to go through schema on resumes and don't recognize talent, so there were missing people some missing losing money right.
Andrea Guendelman: So losing time or doing bad interviews and that was the time of their of their senior engineer so there's a lot of time.
Andrea Guendelman: Saving that we're doing so they're happy with that they love and saving the second thing is that we provide a better employer experience this holiday candy so that.
Andrea Guendelman: The candidates now have this amazing experience in my experience that's that way before they actually interview.
Andrea Guendelman: Where they get all this information from the companies, sometimes we have asked me anything sessions with these companies we kind of insert into a world of the company before the interview.
Andrea Guendelman: The employee experience becomes a huge thing, because if you had a great experience with a company guess what you get again and I offer this, these are competitive candidates and who you're going to go away.
Andrea Guendelman: For a better experience right because it was like Oh, I get this company know the people that are going to enter behind them hiring there um and so.
Andrea Guendelman: Once they get in what these companies are so excited because they also hire more than one, so that they hire them they're graduating corporate and the higher the records.
Andrea Guendelman: So therefore within the company they become this kind of little world are ambassadors for our underrepresented talent, they would be so grateful they put a linkedin.
Andrea Guendelman: We I got hired Amazon my first job is amazing so everybody else is asking them, how do you get that job and kind of work there, so that they become huge brand ambassadors for the company right.
Andrea Guendelman: And and they're there yo yo and they're part of our group, and they don't feel alone they're not isolated because they they're higher you know in little groups.
David Avrin: yeah you know, I was, I was watching the other day, the Lin Manuel Miranda.
David Avrin: The the broadway show that they made a movie in the heights that he did before Hamilton and one of the really interesting storylines within that is the young woman.
David Avrin: whose family scraped everything together she went off to Stanford and then came home because she didn't have a Community she didn't have others like her, and so.
David Avrin: I love the idea.
David Avrin: Within organizations of you know it's beyond the skill sets that a lot of people have skill sets and they're coming from all over the world.
David Avrin: But not a lot of schools teach the interview process teach what it's like to be successful, within the organization, so this has got to be a win, win, win across the board.
Andrea Guendelman: That that movie nailed it actually, that is, have excellent, thank you for bringing that that movie nailed it.
Andrea Guendelman: Because what happens to her, she goes to this amazing school right and she feels isolated and therefore she cannot perform there for the school nurse is an incredible talent, the country uses.
Andrea Guendelman: Incredibly, you know, imagine wheedles that talent for not getting into a best that she could get so.
David Avrin: it's somebody who qualified from the from the from 125.
David Avrin: So let's go beyond it now let's talk about people organizations who are benefiting from a more diverse workforce, not just in terms of being able to access talent.
David Avrin: That certainly is worldwide in different skill sets but talk to me about about perspective about wisdom from unique life experiences.
David Avrin: For those from those overseas and those who grew up in America with a very different experience a very different world whether they're LGBT Q, whether they are.
David Avrin: Under represented minorities or even, as you said, Jewish which isn't necessarily seen as a as a disadvantaged minority in America but it's a different experience.
David Avrin: talk to me about that how that benefits organizations in terms of their brain trust their creativity their product development but also their connection to a diverse and increasingly diverse customer and client base.
Andrea Guendelman: So, you know that 48% of generation Z right now is from the is basically a minority right so it's just will tell you about.
Andrea Guendelman: 19 years old they're all really under represented candidates, if you think about they're all the kids of immigrants Latinos.
Andrea Guendelman: Mostly Latinos blacks and then other other immigrants so we're talking, that is, the generation that you want to basically sell to that you're want to be able to.
Andrea Guendelman: sell recruit that you will need to have as a customer for you, that you will need them to be rich or.
Andrea Guendelman: Wealthy enough so that they can consume your products right, so this is so important economic empowerment of of this group of people to better location from very jobs.
Andrea Guendelman: will ensure that you as a company will have a reliable customer base, then you can continue to sell your products to.
Andrea Guendelman: And how you talk to them is created, for example, and give you an example.
Andrea Guendelman: We in 2018 with it, this career for a because when you let her refer was was going to be completely different if it was created the ropes and the talent that.
Andrea Guendelman: So we work, how was the career for you had a music festival, you have dancing you have sales cycle, you know, they also like wrap a you.
David Avrin: know they.
Andrea Guendelman: Have like silent disco there were three music bands, there was music, there were workshops with employers right different career, it was so successful.
Andrea Guendelman: We receive the word articles about it all over the place, because when this is different, the way that customer experience in this case, trying to get them as employees or whatever or getting your brand out was completely different from what you will do in a typical career fair i'm.
David Avrin: talking to me about about perspective, because here because here's sort of where I come from, as well as recognizing.
David Avrin: The world has changed customers have changed right, we can call it the new normal the new next that the touch list tomorrow.
David Avrin: But being really well tapped into how people by having a diverse workforce affords you that as well, I mean, I think, in many ways we talked to you know in my time growing up about.
David Avrin: You know, for for 200 years about the melting pot, that is, America and now I think we're seeing the melting person.
David Avrin: I think we are seeing individuals with with an Ethiopian father and a Swedish mother.
David Avrin: And and a melding of so many of that rich tapestry within individuals, and from that comes a unique life experience so, not just in terms of recruiting customers and clients or recruiting employees.
David Avrin: But in terms of understanding, a different mindset and what we've come to expect in terms of access and immediacy and and cultural sensitivity in the in the marketing process and the product development.
David Avrin: I think this and i'm getting on my soapbox so about box because, because I believe this so strongly, but I think companies who who recognize and tap into a process like yours are really future proofing their business.
Andrea Guendelman: They are they are, and this this population is.
Andrea Guendelman: Basically, there are different okay there, for example, they're very social impact oriented they care about social mission of companies.
Andrea Guendelman: that's, the first thing they ask us about a company they care about money for sure, think about it, like they probably has to end there, or whatever so money is important.
Andrea Guendelman: But in fact you would never think that that was so important with population that that you know, this is the first generation they this population, for example.
Andrea Guendelman: Dr eventually how your marketing, like, for example, for the Latino Community they like a little bit of the.
Andrea Guendelman: Spanish words pepper into assigned message, but not all in Spanish, because there are Americans but they lack the recognition of some Spanish every into.
Andrea Guendelman: So if you can talk to her like that or just start with Allah and everything else in English, but like and so all of you, and so, with one word in Spanish that immediately creates trust.
Andrea Guendelman: I think that creating that trust with this Community, so that there is.
Andrea Guendelman: You know this level of trust in that this company's care about them, and these companies really wanted to hire them companies, so I think that trust will translate so many are things that an employee becomes an ambassador provides new insights on the business.
Andrea Guendelman: leads an employee resource group that leads to more business creation more connections with their community we hear all the time, right now, and I think you're probably aware of this.
Andrea Guendelman: that businesses have to create communities and community based growth and communities communities communities, how would you create a authentic communities within for business and for their customers if you don't have people representing those communities that we serve.
David Avrin: Right well and it's more than it's not just a seat at the table it's a voice in the conversation it's a role in the decision making.
David Avrin: As part of this as well, and so even we look at because I got five kids between 18 and 27 years old right now.
David Avrin: and authenticity is such an important part of, and sometimes they'll hire the this advertising agency that will try to mimic.
David Avrin: What the kids are doing as opposed to having internal voices who are helping you create that messaging and the delivery mechanisms, whether it's a tick tock.
David Avrin: or instagram and it's not about being hip and current and now it's about being authentic and how can you be authentic if your workforce doesn't represent your marketplace.
Andrea Guendelman: Then you end up bubble and you'll stay in that bubble, and you basically will have no information about what's going on.
David Avrin: Right an antiquated bubble and outdated Look how much has changed just in the in the two years since covert I think in many ways we have accelerated what's long been predicted about how we're going to do business.
David Avrin: we've accelerated was at a conference and we're talking 10 years worth of technology within six months, because we had to.
David Avrin: And so I think this is it as we talked to her initially in the in the conversation about whether it's a PR thing where they were checking a box.
David Avrin: I think they're recognizing more and more that this isn't something that that they need to do because of a public perception, they need to do because they're gonna make their business better.
Andrea Guendelman: And because look the war on talent is so fierce by now.
Andrea Guendelman: Right well, what is the total mind of every CEO in the country right now.
Andrea Guendelman: I want the best talent in the world, because the best talent in the world that is that you, you will be the competition, you will stay alive.
Andrea Guendelman: So tell me where i'm going to find the best talent in the world, tell me why am I can, I believe, from from my competitors, because that will give me an advantage and that's gonna that's basically that you know solve that problem within with us have a huge problem for companies may know.
David Avrin: Absolutely listen, this is this is exciting for me i'm it's not only about finding the right talent, but it's about giving them the best chance to succeed.
David Avrin: Right, once again, is the website says, you are qualified starts it starts right there with the candidate to to help them dream of something bigger they've got the skill system, it can happen.
David Avrin: If we're talking to Andrew gentleman from speak if they need to get in touch with you, if an organization says, I would love to bring this system into my organization I would love to have you help us.
David Avrin: recruit and pre qualifying prepare candidates for us how would they get in touch with you.
Andrea Guendelman: Well, you can go to our website or email me i'm via that's big that careers.
David Avrin: Okay, speak cruise is it www dot speak careers, sometimes it's different.
Andrea Guendelman: You can just leave.
Andrea Guendelman: That can be yours.
Andrea Guendelman: By me linkedin.
Andrea Guendelman: And reading them on there, I am a.
David Avrin: Outstanding last question put on your a put on your your Swami hat.
David Avrin: Take out your crystal ball, give me a prediction for five years from now 10 years from now, what, what are we learning in this process, and do you see a lot of other organizations adopting a similar methodology.
Andrea Guendelman: So, in the future we're going to see that company so we're using the cohort based.
Andrea Guendelman: model which is basically train people in corporates instead of like self learning, you know, creating Community we're going to see more companies have this corporate based.
Andrea Guendelman: methodology for onboarding for for upscaling for many things within the company so there's going to be a lot of upload your branded copper based programs so that's that's one trend, I see I see also companies that will be basically farming out or.
Andrea Guendelman: subcontracting many phases of the interview process to to others like in our case.
Andrea Guendelman: We may be going to live for screening for every company we're going to look like parts of the interview process that in our part, are all part of our company will be delayed it to make up a better employee experience.
Andrea Guendelman: And everything that is going to be a global, this is going to be a global movement best talent will be found anywhere that's going to be relaxing of all the sponsorship requirements and visa requirements they can you'll see that very soon.
David Avrin: What do you see also that the the rise in.
David Avrin: hybrid models virtual contributing to this as well.
Andrea Guendelman: 100% but even more fully remote, so you can get the best best best best talent in the world.
Andrea Guendelman: From a remote and get the best talent from Mexico from Chile from Argentina from anywhere.
Andrea Guendelman: where you can find them and that will want to work for you and yeah you'll have to just be very, very big creative.
David Avrin: Outstanding this is awesome very cool stuff big things to my guess Andrew gwen woman CEO speak.
David Avrin: She she's an ambassador she is an advocate and and I think she's got a really brilliant solution, and some of the biggest companies in the world are already jumping on board so we'll check back in.
David Avrin: Later, to see how this has grown in the future, hang on with us, I want to talk to you when we are done off the air, you know some of the.
David Avrin: Some of the most innovative solutions to your biggest customer facing.
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David Avrin: Of course, all my books are available on Amazon my it's there strategically located here next to my head for those of you watching the video version as well.
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